We are constantly bombarded with truth claims. With information coming at us from friends and family, social media, the news, our education system, our
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
It has been observed that “the subject of biblical prophecy is like one magnet interacting with another. For many people, it pulls them in.
Written by Josiah Boyd
In an attempt to articulate the “big idea” of Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica, one author has written the following: Impressed
Written by John Oglesby and Josiah Boyd
Matthew 23 brings something of a conclusion to the current section of Matthew, as Jesus the King, rejected by the leaders of Israel, rejects
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Immediately after the return of his parents to their home young Samuel began his training under Eli (v. 11), a training which was characterized
Written by Andrew Longmire
Matthew has recounted Jesus’s final entrance into Jerusalem (20:29–21:17), the unrelenting opposition he faced upon arrival (21:18–22:14), and, now, his rebuke of the faithlessness
Written by Josiah Boyd
One author has summarized the book of Colossians with the following sentence: “When Christians know the supremacy of Christ in his person and work,
Written by Adam Copenhaver and Josiah Boyd
In Matthew 22, the formal rejection of Jesus continues, as groups of unlikely allies come together to oppose him with riddles and challenges designed
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
There are few more offensive concepts to the sensibilities of our contemporary culture than that of submission—the act of knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and repeatedly
Written by Josiah Boyd
“David, with the view of encouraging the faithful to contemplate the glory of God, sets before them, in the first place, a mirror of
Written by Josiah Boyd
Philippians brims over with often quoted passages: ‘He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus’
Written by Wayne Baxter and Josiah Boyd
No, Jesus wasn’t “hangry”; but he did a curse a fig tree that, despite it’s leafy appearance, refused to bear fruit. It’s a small,
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
It’s wise to learn from others’ errors. A child, seeing their sibling punished, can learn obedience. A student, observing a peer caught cheating, can
Written by Josiah Boyd
Beginning in November 2021, the Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge began working our way through the letter of Paul to the Romans. Below
Written by Jim Rennie
Ask ten Christians which book of the Bible is their favourite, which book has been the most impactful in their lives, and which book
Written by Daniel Goepfrich and Josiah Boyd
Have you ever felt spiritually stuck in a rut? Don’t worry, we’ve been there too. Whether it’s a season of dryness or perceived distance
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Jerome once said that when he read the letters of the apostle Paul he could hear thunder. Nowhere in the Pauline corpus is such
Written by Mark Yarbrough and Josiah Boyd
It’s a well-known scene: Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey, greeted by streets lined with coats and palm branches and cries of “Hosanna!”
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
It is not uncommon to look forward to something for a long time only to be a tad underwhelmed, unfulfilled, or disappointed at its
Written by Josiah Boyd
Stephen Hawkins, one of the current elders at Oakridge Bible Chapel, addressed the Adult Sunday School class regarding the importance of and obstacles to
Written by Stephen Hawkins