Hebrews was written to a group of believers who had experienced affliction, temptation, and stagnation in their lives of faith and, because of that,
Written by Josiah Boyd
To be a world-class runner takes more than going for the occasional jog. In reality, these athletes leave no stone of their lives unturned
Written by Josiah Boyd
The New Covenant in Christ’s blood—with all of its sin-atoning blessings and guilt-washing benefits—is entered by faith in a moment and enjoyed by faith
Written by Josiah Boyd
Students do homework to avoid failing fuelled by the hope of future employment. Athletes endure training to avoid losing inspired by the goal of
Written by Josiah Boyd
To shrink back from Christianity (2:1–4; 3:12–13; 6:1–20) is to shrink back from Christ, the Son of God who, though greater than the angels
Written by Josiah Boyd
Why did Jesus have to die? Why did Christ’s blood have to be spilled? Why did our Lord have to give his life? Was
Written by Josiah Boyd
If I try really hard to be as good as I can possibly be, surely God will receive me into the kingdom of heaven?
Written by Josiah Boyd
All honest and uncalloused people know what it is to feel guilt for past wrongs, mistakes, and missteps. We’re familiar with the haunting questions
Written by Josiah Boyd
Hebrews 8 begins a three-chapter-long discussion on the New Covenant, that efficacious oath sworn by God the Father, ratified by God the Son, and
Written by Josiah Boyd
God reminds us throughout the scriptures, both in word and through example that His thoughts are not our thoughts, and that our ways are
Written by Lew Worrad
I don’t really understand how the engine of our family vehicle works. I’m glad someone does and I know it’d be good if I
Written by Josiah Boyd
“All children, except one, grow up.” With these words J. M. Barrie begins his classic work, Peter Pan, the title character of which has
Written by Josiah Boyd