Who We Are

History & Purpose

Oakridge Bible Chapel was established in 1986 in northeast Oakville. We are an independent evangelical community church led by a team of elders. We seek to work in unity and cooperation with likeminded evangelical churches and organizations but are not affiliated with any specific denomination or group.

We affirm the whole Bible — the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments — as the complete, sufficient, and inspired Word of God and, as such, the final and shaping authority for our beliefs and practices. Our purpose in writing this document is not to add to biblical truth, but simply to summarize our understanding of key principles that relate to our church fellowship and to describe how we seek to effectively work out our calling as a church in our community.

We exist as a church fellowship in Oakville to bring glory to God through our love for Him, our love for each other, and our obedience to His teaching. Based on the Lord Jesus’ great commandments (Matthew 22:37–40) and great commission (Matthew 28:18–20), as well as the great example of the early church (Acts 2:42–47), we describe this purpose as follows:

  • Exalt our God (e.g., corporate worship), 
  • Equip the saints (e.g., serve, teach, encourage, and admonish one another toward maturity in Christ), and 
  • Evangelize the lost (e.g., share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those around us)

Our vision is to be a centre of biblical excellence in Oakville, teaching, guiding, and supporting each other to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


Josiah Boyd


Alice Popovich

Office Administrator