Israel was hurting economically, sociologically, and spiritually. The questions they hurl at God throughout this book—questions to which he responds through the prophet, Malachi—are
Written by Josiah Boyd
As with most Old Testament prophets, Malachi was sent by God to confront, correct, and console his wayward people. When he arrived in post-exilic
Written by Josiah Boyd
The Bible is clear: the God of the universe constantly, perfectly, and impartially does what is right and good. He is just. It was
Written by Josiah Boyd
One of the many wonderful characteristics of God is his faithfulness. He is totally trustworthy, unwaveringly reliable, infallibly dependable, and completely incorruptible. So, it
Written by Josiah Boyd
God’s people are a privileged people. Through faith in Christ, we receive perfect redemption and eternal salvation, forgiveness and access, belonging and cleansing, mercy
Written by Josiah Boyd
Whether one is in the practice of making resolutions or not, there is something about the New Year that encourages reassessment and recalibration. Seeing
Written by Josiah Boyd
The theological introduction that the Apostle John provides to his account of the life, death, and resurrection of Messiah (John 1:1–18) is as deep
Written by Josiah Boyd
Light is an essential component of life. Without it, human beings would struggle to understand, explore, and interact with the world in which we
Written by Josiah Boyd
With the dawn of December comes the blooming of the Christmas season. Lights are hanging, carols are playing, classes are ending, and carts are
Written by Josiah Boyd
It is a fact of history that a Jewish man named Jesus lived morally, taught powerfully, and died horrifically in the first century. Ancient
Written by Josiah Boyd
Discover a joy that surpasses fleeting pleasures and temporary highs—a joy rooted not in circumstances but in the unshakable presence of God. In this
Written by Josiah Boyd
Hebrews was written to a group of believers who had experienced affliction, temptation, and stagnation in their lives of faith and, because of that,
Written by Josiah Boyd