O taste and see that the Lord is good;
Psalm 22:2
How blessed is the man
who takes refuge in Him!
The sights, savours, and smells that are embedded in our memories during the Christmas season are nothing short of precious.
Unless you are in a season of loss.
I recall very vividly my first Christmas as a young woman of 38—with two teenagers and a gutted heart after my 20-year marriage came to a brutal end. All my dreams of seeing my grandchildren play with my children’s toys in their childhood home came crashing down. My heart was shattered. Previous Christmases were filled with traditions from two different cultural backgrounds. Our gatherings were filled with marvellously tasting food mingled with overlapping conversations and chaos! Oh, how my heart ached for my kids! My dear extended family did their best to carry on as if nothing had happened, but their sadness was also palpable.
Nothing felt, smelt, or tasted good that year. I could see people chatting and hear their laughter. I could see the tables filled with delicious food—the aroma permeating throughout the house—but I felt numb, angry, and anxious about the future. I can recall asking the Lord “What’s wrong with everyone? Can’t they see I’m bleeding? Don’t they see our loss? Why are they so happy?!”
Through it all, Jesus was my constant. I believed with all my heart what Romans 8:28 said, that everything would work together for my good. I immersed myself in reading the Bible and singing praises with tears flowing freely. Nothing else brought me comfort. I was trusting him.
My Saviour, who was born to die, was holding me, guiding me, and comforting me.
I learned to savour the Saviour; to consume his word and take his promises to heart. The moments I spent talking to Jesus and clinging to his many promises were precious to me. The more I focused on him, the smaller my circumstance became. I gained a deeper insight into the character of God. By reading his word, I found wisdom, courage, and strength for my daily dependence on him.
Friend, if you find yourself in a season of loss during this Christmas, let me encourage you to savour the Saviour. Taste and see that the Lord is good. You will still have moments of sadness, hurt, and loss on this side of eternity, but you will also experience his perfect peace and joy—a taste of what is yet to come in our heavenly future!
Father in heaven, you are as good to us are you are present with us. Thank you for being a God who draws near to the broken-hearted, a God who grants peace, comfort, and healing.
Gisella Giraldi
* Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, ©The Lockman Foundation, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1995. Used by permission.
** The above was taken from Glory to God in the Highest: A Christmas Devotional (Oakville: Proclamation, 2024).
By job title, Alice is the office administrator at Oakridge. But her behind-the-scenes efforts go far beyond that! She is actively involved in the leadership team for the Tuesday evening women's bible study, she is on the mission committee, and she has recently both stepped into the leadership of church bridal and baby shower celebrations, and started teaching in our Ozone kids program. Oh, and if you see any special seasonal or holiday decorations around the church, it's a safe bet that Alice was involved!
- Alice Popovichhttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/alice-popovich/
- Alice Popovichhttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/alice-popovich/
- Alice Popovichhttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/alice-popovich/
- Alice Popovichhttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/alice-popovich/