In our study of the seven churches of Revelation we have come to the last church. Laodicea was a big town, a rich town.
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Christianity asserts a number of seemingly counterintuitive truths. For example, wealth comes through poverty, maturity through childlikeness, exaltation by submission, life via death, glory
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A common practice for many sport teams is to watch film from previous games. Oftentimes a coach will lead these viewings, stopping the tape
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For the past several weeks we have been studying the letters to the Seven Churches found in the second and third chapters of the
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Avid hikers are used to receiving warnings before setting off on their favourite trails—“beware loose stones,” “watch for bears,” “look out for falling trees.”
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Polycarp (AD 70–155), the bishop of Smyrna, was urged by the Roman proconsul to publicly renounce his faith in Jesus or face execution for
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