On this episode, Andrew Longmire returns. While previously serving at Oakridge Bible Chapel as an associate pastor, Andrew has recently accepted the call to
Written by Andrew Longmire and Josiah Boyd
We’re back in 1 John, and this time it’s a warning about what can get in the way of our usefulness and our intimacy
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
After 4 weeks in the book of Joel in our corporate worship gatherings, we’re finally going to take some time to talk about it.
Written by Andrew Longmire and Josiah Boyd
Imagine I told you we were going to have a conversation about classic story structure, and invited you to finish the following sentence: “and
Written by Andrew Longmire
As a local church grows in size, it can become increasingly difficult to actually know everyone in the community and, thus, to be blessed
Written by Brett Harris and Andrew Longmire
We’re into the final two sections of the book of Joel and we’re now in part of the book where it finally starts to
Written by Andrew Longmire
Sometimes in times of struggle, difficulty, or suffering, we act as though all we need to do is apologize and everything will be okay.
Written by Andrew Longmire
Many times throughout the Bible we see people making a vow or swearing an oath—sometimes to God or before God, sometimes in the name
Written by Tim Wessel and Andrew Longmire
It’s Mother’s Day, and a sermon about divine judgement and locust plagues and starving animals probably isn’t what most of you came expecting today.
Written by Andrew Longmire
“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” This is the way that “the preacher” starts his exploration of life and purpose in Ecclesiastes 1. It’s
Written by Tim Wessel and Andrew Longmire
As Christians, we know that sin is bad, right? It’s wrong, it’s opposed to God, it ruins everything, and ultimately it is why Jesus
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
It’s an all-too-common issue: we go through a season of suffering (or perhaps the opposite) and find ourselves feeling far from God. Maybe it
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire