We’re back in 1 John, and this time it’s a warning about what can get in the way of our usefulness and our intimacy with Christ: false teaching. While it may seem a little easier to notice in the world, this is a very real problem in churches too, and we need to be on our guard against falsehoods. This week on the podcast, Josiah and Andrew look a little closer at this passage and the warnings contained, and ask two simple questions: why is this important, and how do we do it?
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Josiah has served the Oakridge Bible Chapel family as one of its elders and one of its pastoral staff members since September 2018, before which he ministered as an associate pastor to a local congregation in the Canadian prairies. Josiah's desire is to be used by God to help equip the church for ministry, both while gathered (edification) and while scattered (evangelization). He is married to Patricia, and together they have five children—Jonah, Henry, Nathaniel, Josephine, and Benjamin.
- Josiah Boydhttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/josiah-boyd/
- Josiah Boydhttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/josiah-boyd/
- Josiah Boydhttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/josiah-boyd/
- Josiah Boydhttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/josiah-boyd/
Andrew is the Associate Pastor at Oakridge Bible Chapel. He grew up in a Christian home, and spent time serving in churches of varying sizes and denominations before landing at Oakridge with his wife in 2017. He likes to verbally process theological issues he finds challenging and is always ready to learn something new. He has a passion for teaching the Bible, and seeking to explain confusing passages in a clear way, preferably with a good illustration or two.
- Andrew Longmirehttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/andrew-longmire/
- Andrew Longmirehttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/andrew-longmire/
- Andrew Longmirehttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/andrew-longmire/
- Andrew Longmirehttps://oakridgebiblechapel.org/author/andrew-longmire/