How a Church is Supposed to Work

Earlier this year, Pastor Josiah had the opportunity to join Pastor Jay Hinds on The Open Bible Podcast for a discussion on Ephesians 4 and, more specifically, how the apostle Paul envisioned the church rightly operating. Together, Josiah and Jay talk about the implications of this passage for today, where our churches may be in danger of falling short of this divine directive, and what a healthy local body of believers is supposed to look like.

This is an important theological issue to think about with accuracy (as are they all!) as, related to our understanding of the church, is our understanding of our mission in the world today, our position in Christ as believers, our usefulness to his assignment, and many other issues.

For more episodes of “Word Processing,” search Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else podcasts are found.

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Josiah has served the Oakridge Bible Chapel family as one of its elders and one of its pastoral staff members since September 2018, before which he ministered as an associate pastor to a local congregation in the Canadian prairies. Josiah's desire is to be used by God to help equip the church for ministry, both while gathered (edification) and while scattered (evangelization). He is married to Patricia, and together they have five children—Jonah, Henry, Nathaniel, Josephine, and Benjamin.

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Josiah Boyd and Jay Hinds

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