When Christians think of a God worthy of worship, praise, adoration, submission, service, and imitation, there are certain divine characteristics that are likely more
Written by Patricia Boyd and Josiah Boyd
“Trust the Lord!” “Give him your cares!” “Cast your anxieties on him!” If you’ve been around God’s people for any amount of time you’ll
Written by Josh Leigh and Josiah Boyd
If you were to poll your Christian friends as to what they thought was the most confusing, daunting, or intimidating book of the Bible,
Written by Jay Hinds and Josiah Boyd
On this episode, Andrew Longmire returns. While previously serving at Oakridge Bible Chapel as an associate pastor, Andrew has recently accepted the call to
Written by Andrew Longmire and Josiah Boyd
Every growing Christians wants to know the will of the Lord, to be led by the Spirit, and to be used by God for
Written by Patricia Boyd and Josiah Boyd
Sanctification is a heavy concept, but one with which every Christian must grapple because it is God’s will for every Christian (1 Thes 4:3).
Written by Nate Vellekoop and Josiah Boyd
George Whitfield was an evangelist and preacher who is often credited with helping ignite the Great Awakening in the 18th-century America. He was a
Written by Patricia Boyd and Josiah Boyd
Speaking of his sheep, Jesus said “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. … and I give eternal life to
Written by Patricia Boyd and Josiah Boyd
When reading the fourth chapter of John’s first letter, it would be tough for the author to be more clear with what he wants God’s people
Written by Patricia Boyd and Josiah Boyd
We’re back in 1 John, and this time it’s a warning about what can get in the way of our usefulness and our intimacy
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
After 4 weeks in the book of Joel in our corporate worship gatherings, we’re finally going to take some time to talk about it.
Written by Andrew Longmire and Josiah Boyd
As a local church grows in size, it can become increasingly difficult to actually know everyone in the community and, thus, to be blessed
Written by Brett Harris and Andrew Longmire