The Passover meal has been eaten, Judas has done his betrayal, and as we conclude Matthew 26 and begin chapter 27 we see Jesus
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
A “kangaroo court” is a trivial-sounding idiom that, in reality, describes something far less playful than its title may suggest. According to one source,
Written by Josiah Boyd
The middle section of Matthew 26 shows us the beginning of Jesus’ misery as he moves ever closer to the cross, and in this
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Young pastors are often advised, “preach to suffering people and you’ll never lack an audience.” Why? Because everyone is well-acquainted with the subject. We
Written by Josiah Boyd
One of the topics that comes up in scripture more than most is that of trusting God. We trust God with our salvation, our
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Through a demonstration of ugly corruption and beautiful provision, the first portion of Matthew 26 invites the reader to ask themselves a question: What
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Chapter 26 marks a dramatic shift in Matthew’s gospel. In it is a transition from a teaching on things to come to a retelling
Written by Josiah Boyd
Once again on the podcast this week, we are discussing a topic often talked about in the church, but rarely understood with clarity: the
Written by J. Scott Horrell and Josiah Boyd