With the dawn of December comes the blooming of the Christmas season. Lights are hanging, carols are playing, classes are ending, and carts are
Written by Josiah Boyd
We’ve talked about God’s sovereignty before on this podcast, but understanding and appreciating it is an issue we often continue to wrestle with, especially
Written by Andrew Longmire and Josiah Boyd
It is customary for a good sermon to begin with an introduction of sorts, an attempt to orient the hearer to the text or
Written by Josiah Boyd
The middle section of Matthew 26 shows us the beginning of Jesus’ misery as he moves ever closer to the cross, and in this
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Paul’s second letter to Timothy is warm and personal in its tone, containing the advice and encouragement of the aged apostle to Timothy, the
Written by Paul Benware and Josiah Boyd
One of the topics that comes up in scripture more than most is that of trusting God. We trust God with our salvation, our
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Chapter 26 marks a dramatic shift in Matthew’s gospel. In it is a transition from a teaching on things to come to a retelling
Written by Josiah Boyd
In an attempt to articulate the “big idea” of Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica, one author has written the following: Impressed
Written by John Oglesby and Josiah Boyd
In Matthew 19 and 20, Jesus teaches his disciples more about what they can expect in the coming kingdom. Specifically, he refers to their
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Few things are more certain than the reality of suffering people in the church. Grief, loss, pain, stress, sin, fear; you name it, someone
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
As we take another step into the New Testament we come today to the gospel according to Mark. At first glance it may seem
Written by Tim Geddert and Josiah Boyd