Hope is a wonderful thing. Hope is faith directed towards the future. It is confidence in what is to come. For Christians, our future
Written by Jim Rennie
The Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge Bible Chapel meets at 9:30am each weekend, just prior to our main meeting at 10:30, to study
Written by Jim Rennie
From the beginning, God’s desire was to reign over his creation through a mediator. To that end, the King of the universe placed representative
Written by Josiah Boyd
The Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge Bible Chapel meets at 9:30am each weekend, just prior to our main meeting at 10:30, to study
Written by Tim Wessel
At long last, the Apostle John is shown the culmination of God’s future wrath against and destruction of all sin. To this point it
Written by Josiah Boyd
The Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge Bible Chapel meets at 9:30am each weekend, just prior to our main meeting at 10:30, to study
Written by Tim Wessel
SERMON MANUSCRIPT  I suspect that many of us checked the news this morning to see if the world had gotten any better overnight. It
Written by Lew Worrad
Satan had just brought his antichrist and false prophet into the world to deceive and destroy (13:1–18) when John sees the Lamb standing unfazed
Written by Josiah Boyd
The Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge Bible Chapel meets at 9:30am each weekend, just prior to our main meeting at 10:30, to study
Written by Tim Wessel
Throughout human history, God has stayed his hand of retribution, being “patient toward us, not wishing for any to perish but for all to
Written by Josiah Boyd
The Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge Bible Chapel meets at 9:30am each weekend, just prior to our main meeting at 10:30, to study
Written by Jim Rennie
Written by Nate Vellekoop