Continuing their trek through the wilderness of the Joseph narrative, today Andrew and Josiah discuss Genesis 38, the damage-causing power of sin, the importance
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
If a Christian remains exposed to the harsh elements of sin for an extended period of time, signs of the life we have in
Written by Josiah Boyd
Family drama, national danger, cryptic dreams, and royal dungeons—the story of Joseph’s got it all! It’s the quintessential rags-to-riches tale made all-the-more fascinating by
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
The Bible has much to teach about living godly lives in the midst of uncertain times. Perhaps nowhere is this more the case than
Written by Josiah Boyd
This week Andrew and Josiah come together to (lovingly) talk behind Dr. Jim’s back about his Easter sermon, the centrality of Jesus’ resurrection to
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Listen below through Spotify, or find our Podcast “From the Pulpit” for weekly Sunday morning messages on Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else
Written by Jim Rennie
The book of Daniel provides some of the most iconic stories in the Bible. But—surprise, surprise!—they’re not all for show. In this episode, Josiah
Written by Lew Worrad and Josiah Boyd
Many are familiar with the heroic, faith-filled stories presented in the book of Daniel. However, what do they have to tell us about living
Written by Lew Worrad
From their individual quarantined bunkers, Andrew and Josiah take twenty-or-so minutes to earnestly but insufficiently tackle a topic of infinite glory and importance—that of
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
A strong, clear hope in a future reality has the power to motivate and comfort, strengthen and bring peace. But what is it that
Written by Josiah Boyd
Week two of Word Processing lands Andrew and Josiah smack-dab in the middle of Peter’s second epistle and a discussion on the reality, threat,
Written by Josiah Boyd and Andrew Longmire
Peter’s clear: False teachers are not only coming, they’re here! How God’s people respond depends on how we identify the wolves, how seriously we
Written by Josiah Boyd