In the Spring of 2020, the Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge began working our way through the book of Acts. What follows are
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In Luke 17 we find the account of Jesus healing ten lepers but then finding only one returning to thank and worship him. They
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We made it: The grand finale, the last hurrah, the fishy endgame. Finally we come to the conclusion of our study in the Old
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As we come to the final chapter of the book of Jonah, we look back and remember to what we, as God’s people, have
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In the Spring of 2020, the Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge began working our way through the book of Acts. What follows are
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The Jonah-talk continues this week as Andrew and Josiah flesh out last Sunday’s look at chapter 3. The conversation includes musings on the prophet’s
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The Apostle James describes the Bible as a mirror into which God’s people are to look, see their ungodliness rightly reflected, and be motivated
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In the Spring of 2020, the Adult Sunday School class at Oakridge began working our way through the book of Acts. What follows are
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Finally, at long last, Andrew is able to carve enough time out of his busy (fatherhood) schedule to sit down again with Josiah for
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Just as a diary or journal can provide a “window into the soul” of its writer, so too prayers can reveal the heart of
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While obviously preferring obedience, there are times when parents allow their children to experience the consequences of their disobedience. So it is with God
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A review and recommendation of a short book on a topic of immeasurable importance.
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